
09 Seattle Light Rail and Green Tortoise Hostel

Seattle Light Rail : http://www.soundtransit.org/
Light Rail is a good way to travel in Seattle from the SeaTac airport to downtown or connecting to bus tunnel, which is also one of the most famous scenic spots in Seattle. Look up the price for your route, then purchase light rail ticket from the dispenser. You r on the way to enjoy Seattle.



Stay in "Green Tortoise Hostel"
Address: 105 1/2 Pike Street/ Right next to Pike Street Market!!
1. wireless access
2. Breakfast (get to make ur own hot pancake, drinks-coffee, tea, chacolate, cereals, and fresh seasonal fruit)
抵達西雅圖第二天準備出發前往位在市中心得的Green Tortoise Hostel,原先在網路上查到的方式是到SeaTac 國際機場搭乘前往市中心的免費公車,不過碰巧前幾天SeaTac國際機場的light rail 站落成,而且就在我們第一晚住的 Hilton Conference Center 走路五分鐘的地方,坐到我們想去的地方車資只要 2.5/人,不用轉車。

Light rail 有部分在柏油路面,一部份在bus tunnel,下車後發現其實還可以坐到下一站,站務人員好心的告訴我們,路經這一站的公車都可以免費搭乘,所以幸運地到了終點站。

循著地圖找Green Tortoise Hostel,一開始還是小小擦身而過,沒弄清地址的真義:105 1/2 Pike Street。真相如下

大門上真的寫著門牌號碼 105 1/2 XD 房間跟之前住過的Hostel 相比差不了多少,不過浴室真的讓人有種家的感覺,能覺得出來用了很多心思規劃,廚房裡有一些前人捐獻的食材,早餐有香吉士、香蕉、咖啡、巧克力數種茶包還有可以自己煎煮的鬆餅漿和雞蛋,大滿足!!

唯一比較困擾的就是我們碰巧住到跟派克市場相鄰的房間,所以一大清早就可以感受到外面很熱鬧!! 不過也因此比預期早起床出門逛逛~~



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