學校請兩位正在社區大學任教的教授來談如何書寫 Teaching Philosophy, 雖然依然是一種聽歸聽,寫還是得靠自己,不過他們倆位聽起來還蠻誠心回答問題,同時也顯示出雖然材料大同小異,不過每個人煮出來的菜不一樣就是不一樣,底下是今天紀錄的討論內容
- How to start on "Teaching Philosophy (TP)?"
Speaker B: Think about what should be included in a TP. Ex: dialogue, flexibility, enthusiasm
- What should be included in TP?
Speaker B: For teaching experiences and research, 2 to 1 ratio is a good guideline. In general: dialogue, flexibility, enthusiasm.
Dialogue: listen to students, understand how current teaching works for them, adjust in timely manner
Flexibility: there are a variety of students, not only one way of teaching works. Be flexible to adapt with teaching situation.
Enthusiasm: the thing that makes teaching exciting
Finally, let other people read your TP. See if they feel exciting for the kind of teacher describing in your TP.
- How long should TP be?
- What to expect for an interview?
- What is the teaching and researching proportion in your current life?
Speaker B: Current goal for the school I am serving is to become a research type college. So I would say 50:50.